There Is No Courage Without Fear

Without fear, we can’t have courage. We cannot act courageously in any situation unless we have something to protect, something to honor, something to prove, or something to commit to.

There are two motivating forces to have courage, fear, and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance.

We need to learn to love ourselves, in all our glory and imperfections. If you're having a hard time seeing your way out of a situation, try modeling your behavior after someone else who's faced adversity. Uncertainty is the source of many fears. However, you can learn to tolerate uncertainty by gradually working it into your daily experience. This will increase your confidence and ability to handle uncertain situations, which will allow you to act with bravery. You’ll always be able to think of more reasons not to take a chance than reasons to go for it, and there’s a reason for that.

We are wired for survival, which means we tend to be risk averse. This pulls our focus more towards what we have to lose than what we have to gain. Playing it safe will keep us safe, but it won’t do much more than that. Life happens in the deep water, with the waves, the chaos, and the unknown. Somewhere between the fear of failing and the courage for it not to matter is where the magic of love, faith, hope, lives.

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