Healing Prayer, Healing Doctor and Medical Healing Works Together!

According to this passage from the Bible, when we are sick we should pray to the Lord AND call the doctor, for in many cases it may be that the Lord will use the physician as the primary source of healing. The key is to let our Lord be in charge, and not dictate to Him the ways in which you want Him to help you. Let Him use all the means at His disposal-we are just to trustfully surrender to His care: "Cast all your care on the Lord, for He cares for you" ( I Peter 5:7).

Both healing prayer and medical care, in the end, all come down to that little prayer at the bottom of the Image of the Divine Mercy: 'Jesus, I trust in You." In other words, "Jesus, I completely entrust myself to You. I hand over my whole condition to You (body, mind, and spirit) for strength and guidance, and for being made whole again according to Your will because I trust completely in Your merciful love for me, which always greater than I can ask, or even imagine."

We see this reflected in Holy scripture. One of the gospel writers, St. Luke, was a physician himself, and there is no indication that he gave up the practice of medicine in order to be a Christian. At one point in his epistles, St. Paul advises Timothy to take a little wine on occasion for his health - one of nature's oldest stomach remedies ( I Tim 5:23 )! The Bible praises the vocation of physicians in the Old Testament book of Sirach, one of the last of the Old Testament books to be written (ca, 160 b.c.) in chapter 38, verses 1-15:

Give the doctors the honor they deserve, for the Lord gave them their work to do. Their skill comes from the Highest, and kings reward them for it. Their knowledge gives them a position of importance, and powerful people hold them in high regard.

The Lord created medicines from the earth, and a sensible person will not hesitate to use them. Didn't a tree once make bitter water fit to drink, so that the Lord's power might be known? He gave medical knowledge to human beings so that we would praise him for the miracles he performs. The druggist mixes these medicines, and the doctor will use them to cure diseases and ease the pain. There is no end to the activities of the Lord, who gives health to the people of the world.

According to the scriptures, when you get sick, don't ignore it. Pray to the Lord, and he will make you well. Confess all your sins and determine that in the future you will live a righteous life. Offer incense and a grain offering, as fine as you can afford. Then call the doctor-for the Lord created him-and keep him at your side; you need him. There are times when you have to depend on his skill. The doctor's prayer is that the Lord will make him able to ease his patient's pain and make them well again...

Doctor Jorge G. Ignacio, Medical Oncologist, Cancer Specialist,
Chairman of the Cancer Institute of UP-PGH.

Read more: My 1st Chemo Day!

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