Losing My Hair For the Second Time Around After 34th Chemo Cycle!
I woke up so early today. I enjoyed my morning hot bath, the rainy weather makes our room cooler than usual. What a kind day to inspire at least one, or someone whose journey might be the same as mine. Let's just continue a good fight, Jesus, King of Mercy I trust in you. Thank you so much, Jesus for taking care of me, for an early breakfast with my Tony, and for another wonderful morning full of hope, love, and inspiration to serve you even in my smallest way. God bless Me, my husband, our family, Our Laban Tayo Sol Team, prayer warriors, and all the kind and nicest people around us. That in all things God may be glorified! Good and well morning for me today, how about you there? I want the same prayers for me today from 2 years ago on the list. Lord, let me keep a good attitude while I am here in the waiting room. Help me stay faithful in this waiting room, honoring You. I don’t have to make it happen, You will make it happen for me. That in all things God m...